彙整加拿大 NSERC CWSE 機構
Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering Program
一、NSERC-Women in Science and Engineering
Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering Program (CWSE)1,為加拿大Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada (NSERC)2補助的性別科技計畫。自1996年開始實施,皆為五年期國家型計畫,補助對象以大學或組織(夥伴)為主,一年7萬至11萬加幣(約台幣160至250萬),2018年共有5個計劃進行中。計畫申請內容須涵蓋:如何增加女性決策人數之相關策略、針對結構政策提出改革做法、方向與預期效益。受益對象除了學術機構內的教職員外,也須包含女學生、博士後研究人員和新進研究員等。目前CWSE以地區進行發展,五個地區分為(1)British Columbia/Yukon regions, (2)Quebec, (3)Ontario, (4)Prairie and(5)Atlantic,除了主要申請者所處機構外,也會聯合附近大學或研究組織共同執行,區域計畫團隊亦會定期交流。
編號 |
年份 |
主持人 |
區域 |
機構 |
合作夥伴或網站 |
1 |
2015-now |
Lesley Shannon |
British Columbia and Yukon |
Simon Fraser University |
2份期中報告,各約20頁 |
2 |
2015-now |
Eve Langelier |
Quebec |
Université de Sherbrooke |
3 |
2011-now |
Catherine Mavriplis |
Ontario |
University of Ottawa |
http://scieng-women-ontario.ca/en/ 1份成果發表、合作夥伴多*3 |
4 |
2011-now |
Annemieke Farenhorst |
Prairies |
University of Manitoba |
合作夥伴多*4 |
5 |
2011-now |
Tamara Franz-Odendaal |
Atlantic |
Mount Saint Vincent University |
合作夥伴多*5 |
6 |
2010-2015 |
Elizabeth Croft |
British Columbia and Yukon |
The University of British Columbia |
合作夥伴多*6 1份結案報告(208頁) |
7 |
2006-2014 |
Nadia Ghazzali |
Quebec |
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR) |
Fondation de l'UQTR |
8 |
2004-2011 |
Julita Vassileva |
Prairies |
University of Saskatchewan |
Cameco Corporation |
9 |
2002-2011 |
Cecilia Moloney |
Atlantic |
Memorial University of Newfoundland |
Petro-Canada |
10 |
2002-2011 |
Valerie Davidson |
Ontario |
Guelph University |
Research in Motion (RIM) Inc. 3份期中報告 |
11 |
2002-2009 |
Anne Condon |
British Columbia and Yukon |
The University of British Columbia |
General Motors of Canada Ltd. |
12 |
1997-2006 |
Claire Deschênes |
Quebec |
Université Laval |
Alcan International Limited |
13 |
1997-2004 |
Monique Frize |
Ontario |
Carleton University |
Nortel Networks |
14 |
1997-2004 |
Elizabeth Cannon |
Prairies |
University of Calgary |
Petro-Canada |
15 |
1997-2003 |
Florence-Mary Williams |
Atlantic |
Memorial University of Newfoundland |
Petro-Canada |
16 |
1997-2003 |
Maria Klawe |
British Columbia and Yukon |
The University of British Columbia |
IBM Canada Inc. |
0. CWSE 綜合報告
No. |
標題 |
內容 |
1996-2001 第一期報告 |
2006 各區執行電子報 |
2008 各區執行電子報 |
2009 CWSEs計畫對於各區女性於科研人力支調查報告 |
2010 各區執行電子報 |
2011 CWSEs 各區計畫成果 |
2012 CWSEs 各區計畫成果 |
1. British Columbia and Yukon
No. |
標題 |
內容 |
1.1 |
2010-2015結案報告 |
含附件約208頁 |
1.2 |
2012-2014期中報告 |
14頁 |
1.2 |
2015-2017期中報告 |
8頁 |
1.3 |
2015-2018期中報告 |
8頁 |
2. Quebec
No. |
標題 |
內容(法文) |
2.1 |
2016-2017期中報告 |
各約10頁,說明CWSE緣起、計畫目標、魁北克地區做法與成果 |
2.2 |
2012-2014期中報告 |
2.3 |
2018-2019執行報告 |
3. Ontario
No. |
標題 |
內容 |
3.1 |
2007 計畫成果_會議發表 |
14張ppt |
3.2 |
2009 計畫成果_會議發表 |
各8頁:CWSE如何促進女學生參與科研的目標、作法及成果 |
3.3 |
2010 計畫成果_會議發表 |
3.4 |
2017 計畫成果_GS11會議發表 |
10張ppt:CWSE目標、作法及成果 |
No. |
標題 |
內容 |
4.1 |
2018-2019教師職場調查報告 |
與Atlantic區域CWSE計畫團隊合作 |
No. |
標題 |
內容 |
5.1 |
2014 CWSE工作坊報告 |
5.2 |
2016執行報告─新一代對於STEM教育、職涯選擇及影響調查 |
33頁,著重科研職涯的深耕與發展 |
5.3 |
2017執行Atlantic 區域串連之會議報告 |
43頁會議紀錄,區域串連策略 |
5.4 |
2017 CWSE工作坊報告 |
19頁有關CWSE執行目標與策略、區域串連做法 |
1NSERC-CWSE: http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Professors-Professeurs/CFS-PCP/CWSE-CFSG_eng.asp
2NSERC-Women in science and engineering: http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/women-Femmes/index_eng.asp
3UBC Faculty of Applied Science, BC Hydro, WorleyParsons Canada Ltd., Dr. Ken Spencer, Teck Resources Limited, Stantec Consulting Ltd., Henry F. Man, Ms. Catherine Roome, Mr. Stanley Cowdell, Division for Advancement of Women in Engineering and Geoscience, Nemetz (S/A) & Associates Ltd., Glotman Simpson Consulting Engineers, Karen Savage, PEng, Golder Associates Ltd.
4UBC Faculty of Applied Science, BC Hydro, WorleyParsons Canada Ltd., Dr. Ken Spencer, Teck Resources Limited, Stantec Consulting Ltd., Henry F. Man, Ms. Catherine Roome, Mr. Stanley Cowdell, Division for Advancement of Women in Engineering and Geoscience, Nemetz (S/A) & Associates Ltd., Glotman Simpson Consulting Engineers, Karen Savage, PEng, Golder Associates Ltd.
5UBC Faculty of Applied Science, BC Hydro, WorleyParsons Canada Ltd., Dr. Ken Spencer, Teck Resources Limited, Stantec Consulting Ltd., Henry F. Man, Ms. Catherine Roome, Mr. Stanley Cowdell, Division for Advancement of Women in Engineering and Geoscience, Nemetz (S/A) & Associates Ltd., Glotman Simpson Consulting Engineers, Karen Savage, PEng, Golder Associates Ltd.
6UBC Faculty of Applied Science, BC Hydro, WorleyParsons Canada Ltd., Dr. Ken Spencer, Teck Resources Limited, Stantec Consulting Ltd., Henry F. Man, Ms. Catherine Roome, Mr. Stanley Cowdell, Division for Advancement of Women in Engineering and Geoscience, Nemetz (S/A) & Associates Ltd., Glotman Simpson Consulting Engineers, Karen Savage, PEng, Golder Associates Ltd.